What does the future hold 4 U?

A question many of us ask at some stage in life...

Is there more 2 life than we can understand?

There certainly seems to be more to life than meets the eye, the amount of people who've experienced the paranormal and the supernatural indicates more activity than we think of as ordinary. Some people refuse to believe anything they can't see, hear, touch, taste or feel.

But what about what we can sense?

There are many ways to sharpen and develope that so called 6th sense and some spend time moey and energy to do it. Many people are familiar with folk tales and fables, myths and ledgend Hogwarts and ?

What's fact, what's fiction?

If you believe in heaven, what do you believe about it?

have you ever thought of what it takes to get in ?

Do you believe entrance is automatic.

We're told not to worry about anything and to pray about everything. We're told we have someone who listens to us when we pray and that we have a home in heaven being made ready for us.

Certain things we could choose to get involved with could disqualify us from entry to the place many of us hope for and we'd do well to learn and remember.

Deuteronomy 18: 10-12

(loosely paraphrased)

No one among you should use divination, practice magic or look for signs / omens from a sorcerer. Don't get involved with people who do spells, spirit mediums or fortune tellers, nor people who contact the dead.

God hates all these things. Things that aren't good for us but are fascinating

We're encouraged to have faith in God and the method He uses to give us entrance into the future He's set up for us.

Many of the things written in The Bible, concerning the futre, have already happened, some are happening while we go about our everyday activities and some are to come. The Bible written in a way that the initiated have the ability to understand an understanding given by the author Himself.

I've heard tell and experenced myself, reading that book with ordinary understanding and from another perspective when reading with extaordinary understanding where you can experience personal prophecies and revelations of thing you never knew, thought of or expected a guidance beyond the natural and outstanding in the supernatural.