Using Video Course Qualification


The qualification is called NCFE Using Video 9770 and must be presented in the form of a Portfolio accompanied by a Video Tape with the students Edited Movies.  There are 5 Units in total that students must past in order to gain the qualification which are as follows:

Unit 01
How Video Works
Unit 02
Planning A Video Recording
Unit 03
Using The Camcorder
Unit 04
Editing A Simple Sequence
Unit 05
Editing Original Material


This is what the portfolio must contain:

Unit 01: How Video Works

Justify the choice of camcorder for an institutional or personal requirement
Identify the chosen camcorder with reference to its format
Describe the formats of camcorders
Describe the functions of in-camera editing facilities
Describe the functions of soundtrack facilities
Explain the functions of the camcorder zoom lens and the difference between manual and power assisted
Explain the functions of the aperture control and metering systems
Define the term "white balance"
State the cost factors to be borne in mind when choosing a camcorder
State the factors to be borne in mind in the care and storage of video tape
State the main points associated with the care of rechargeable batteries
Outline the principles of electrical safety
List ways of providing camera support
State the concept of white balance
Explain the functions of aperture control
Explain the term 'depth of field'
Relate the depth of field to the focal length of the camcorder lens and aperture


Unit 02: Planning A Video Recording

Prepare a shooting script
Prepare a shooting schedule (Shooting Order)
Prepare a storyboard
Explain the functions of a shooting script, shooting schedule and storyboard
Explain the relationship between the three documents
List the common terminology used in planning documents
Describe the conventions of composition used in planning documents


Unit 03: Using The Camcorder

Plan a sequence of shots
Select appropriate equipment and accessories
Prepare and transport equipment
Shoot a sequence of shots, editing in camera
Explain the time required for setting up and taking shots
State the range of potential hazards when recording
Arrange location and complementary camera positions
Shoot the main take(s)
Shoot the insert(s) and cutaway(s)
Produce the storyboard and editing script indicating how the shots will be compiled to produce the edited sequence
Describe the effect of different camera angles
Anticipate visual and physical obstruction
State the safe practices to be observed when handling equipment on location
State the function of cutaways
Describe the need for continuity of sound and lighting


Unit 04: Editing A Simple Sequence

Describe the purpose of an editing script
State the content of an editing script
State the use of cutaways
State the purpose of laying a control track
Describe the importance of maintaining continuity of sound and vision
Describe how to use a VCR
Describe the use of editing facilities

Unit 05: Editing Original Material

State the main criteria for acceptable quality of visual and audio material
Describe the operation of the audio recorder
Describe the use of 'wild' soundtrack
Describe how to use a VCR
Describe the use of editing facilities
Explain the relationship between shot sequences, sound and lighting
Explain the relationship of shot length, movement, pace and content
