Sex tips

Here are 6 fantastic tips that are absolutely guaranteed to put the zest back into your sex life. We know there isn't a right or wrong way to have sex, but there are some techniques and positions that work better for fat pigs. However, the most important ingredient for a good sex life is letting your imagination run riot. Enjoy!

Surprise surprise!
Place a drop of the hottest chili sauce somewhere on your body that you know your lover will lick. Just watch for the look of sheer horror on their face, when they hit the spot!

Shopping bag?

Did you know that a supermarket plastic bag acts as a fantastic condom. Much more sensitive than the real thing and washable too! Bonus point.

Instead of rubbing your partner's body with expensive materials like silk, try giving them a thorough going over with a course sheet of sand paper. You will create all sorts of unique sensations that they won't forget in a hurry.

Blindfold your partner and then have them chase you around the farmyard. Watch with joy as they bang and crash into all the heavy agricultural machinery. Ouch!

Body painting's not just for kids. Use common household items like toothpaste or boot polish. Make crazy patterns all over your partner's body, then take them to a local car wash! Remembering to put down their aerial first.

High octane
Next time you take a warm, sensuous bath with your partner, fill the tub with petrol. Feel your body relax and your sexual spirit soar. But leave your cigarettes in your handbag.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the following QuickTime movie. It may not improve your sex life, but the advice is very good. Click here to enjoy.




Sex tips

Dear Betty

Sex myths